Fujifilm Neopan 400CN Black and White Film

Fujifilm Neopan 400CN Black and White Film 


Fujicolor Neopan 400CN is a fast, fine grain black and white film designed for general use, but particularly the wedding and portrait market. The film produces excellent highlight and shadow detail giving enhanced contrast for optimum black and white print quality. The film offers an unobtrusive grain level and has a wide exposure latitude which allows the user to select the film speed appropriate to the job without any significant loss in quality and without altering the processing times. It is recommended that the film be rated between ISO 100 and ISO 800 to achieve optimum results. However, regardless of the film speed chosen, standard C41 processing is recommended.


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[Feb 26, 2008]


Very forgiving in exposure. Nice tonality and great flesh tones.


Not available in the States. I get mine from abroad. Maybe there's an agreement between Fuji and Ilford, because it would be a big seller in the States.

I really like this film. It's my first choice in the B/W C-41 chromogenic films. It's made by Ilford, for Fuji. It's actually very similar to Ilford's excellent XP-2. But I think it's a tad sharper with better tonality, and a bit more contrast. As with the other B/W chromogenic films, it seems to do very well at asa 400 or lower. For general street shootint, I rate it at 320, and for people and portraits, I rate it at 200 or 250. It delivers wonderful flesh tones. It reacts very well to in-camera filtering too.

Customer Service

Never needed it.

Similar Products Used:

Ilford XP-2 ( An excellent film ).

Kodak B/W+ 400CN ( I'm always very disappointed with this film. Very flat and lifeless negs).

Konica B/W C-41 film ( Hideous. It's been discontinued ).

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