Fujifilm FinePix F900EXR Pocket Superzoom Camera Review

Camera Reviews Featured Fujifilm Point and Shoot

Fujifilm FinePix F900EXR Review: All Photos

All photos copyright Adam Lisonbee and/or PhotographyREVIEW.com.

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  • smartwombat says:

    Like I need yet another camera!
    Yes, the zoom on the XZ-1 is restrictive in some situations.
    But I currently have no need for anything better in my pocket.
    If I was in your situation, with those opportunities out on the trail, I’d make the same decision I think.

  • Leonardo says:

    The photos of the f900exr on your site show very nice DR for a small sensor camera. Its probably the weakest area of any small size sensor camera, glad to see fuji taking care of this.
    Thanks again for the excellent reviews.

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