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Leica Glass vs. Canikon Glass

Leica Glass vs. Canikon Glass

A $900 piece of Leica glass (left) compared to a $20 piece of Nikon / Canon’s best. Note how the Leica glass is brighter and has no color cast. (Ignore the chips – these are samples that have been dropped numerours times.)

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  • bob scott says:

    Makes sense. Leica is amazing.

  • raddaddy says:

    The “color” of the glass is no proof of the quality, there are at least hundred parameters for optical glass. also the “color” of the glass… It is the combination PLUS COATINGS that matter…

    • Photo-John says:

      Thanks for the comment, raddaddy. I didn’t say it was “proof.” All I pointed out here was that they are different and you can see the difference. Are you saying you don’t think the Leica glass is as good or are you just pointing out that it’s more than color that matters?

  • raddaddy says:

    Your piece could as well be a sample of normal window glass and the “Nikon” glass could as well be a piece of tinted safety glass. If you want to act as a knowledgeable “leica enthusiast”, I would not post such obvious flops…

    • Photo-John says:

      I don’t think I ever described myself as a Leica enthusiast and I don’t own a Leica camera. I’m just doing my best to pass on what I learn and I don’t have any reason to lie to my readers.

  • raddaddy says:

    I don`t question your honesty, I am questioning your sources. Do you really believe that the piece on right is “Nikons/canons best”?? Just look into any Nikon/canon lens and see if the glass is grey like a 10% neutral density filter… Compare visually leica to Zeiss to Voigtländer lenses and try to see if you see any change in the “color” of the glass. I guess Nikon/canon/ voigtländer uses basically the same source for optical glass. There is only ONE mafufacturer of optical glass in Europe, leitz (cameras/microscopes) and Zeiss use that source. Like I said, there is hundreds of specifications for those glasses for different uses. They all LOOK the same…

  • raddaddy says:

    This is a good primer on the subject. Start here:

    • Photo-John says:

      Ok – questioning the actual source of the glass makes sense. The two pieces of glass were presented to me by a Leica rep and I had no reason to not believe them. However, you are correct – being able to confirm what they said would be useful. Thanks for the link, too.

  • Daryl says:

    Thank you for posting this and it now confirms why my Nikkors excel at the green end of the spectrum :-). I am no expert on optical glass but could the Nikon/Canon glass be made for a specific purpose that would require this color glass?

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