Olympus E-PM1 Pen Camera – Featured User Review

Camera Reviews Featured Mirrorless Olympus User Reviews

Olympus E-PM1 Pen Camera – Featured User ReviewThe smallest interchangeable lens Olympus Micro Four Thirds camera yet, the Olympus E-PM1 definitely deserves more attention. So I was really happy to see this fine review show up a few days ago. It’s our first user review for the E-PM1 and the author, Anbesol, has supplied a lot of well-informed detail about the E-PM1’s performance – both positive and negative. This review is a textbook example of how a great user review should be written and it’s very deserving of Featured User Review status.

If you’re an Olympus E-PM1 owner, or any other Micro Four Thirds camera for that matter, please write a review so other photographers can learn from your experience. Your reviews are one of the most valuable parts of this site! It only takes a few minutes to write a review that could help hundreds or even thousands of other photographers.

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Featured Review: Olympus E-PM1 Pen

by Anbesol (Expert)

Price Paid: $450.00 from N/A
Review Date: January 19, 2012
Used product for: 3 Months to 1 year

Overall Rating: 5 of 5
Value Rating: 5 of 5

I got the E-PM1 right after release, I had been used to the E-PL1 before that. In many ways, I liked the more substantive feel of the E-PL1 and the greater number of tactile controls. However, all in all I still like the E-PM1 much better.

The menu system in particular was a surprising delight, everything is very straightforward and easy to understand. Every tool required for exposure control is in a simple toolbar on the right side of the screen. I don’t know why other manufacturers have not adopted this same approach, but its a very pleasant and straightforward interface. With other similar cameras I would have to enter into menu subsystems, exit back out and enter other menu’s to control all of those same functions. Love the interface!

Another thing that made the E-PM1 more accessible to me, as a man who enjoys to dabble in the studio, is the hot-shoe. The competition saves the hot shoe as a feature exclusive only to their high end. Thank you Olympus for keeping this feature on the entry level! It also has a built in wireless light triggering system, working with Olympus flash units. I’ve used these flash units in outdoor conditions and was surprised at the reliability of the signal strength. The problem comes when you desire to have both a viewfinder while using any flash. And now that the stock flash is detachable, you can’t use a viewfinder even with Olympus built in wireless system flash control system… (read more)

Read The Rest Of The Review >>
Olympus E-PM1 – First Look Article >>

Check out Abesol’s photos in his PhotographyREVIEW.com member gallery: Anbesol Photo Gallery

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About the author: Photo-John

Photo-John, a.k.a. John Shafer, is the managing editor of PhotographyREVIEW.com and has been since the site launched back in 1999. He's an avid outdoor enthusiast and spends as much time as possible on his mountain bike, hiking or skiing in the mountains. He's been taking pictures for ever and ever, and never goes anywhere without a camera.

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